Statistical Information

Population As per Census 2001 & 2011

Population As per Census 2001 & 2011
2001 2011
Maharashtra 9,68,78,627 11,23,72,972
Scheduled Caste 98,81,656 1,32,75,898
Percentage 10.20% 11.81%1

Percentage of Literacy

Percentage of Literacy
Year State Scheduled Caste
1971 33.80 14.70
1981 42.00 27.80
1991 64.08 56.40
2001 76.90 71.90
2011 82.91 87.66

Sex Ratio of Girls / Per 1000

Sex Ratio of Girls / Per 1000
Years India Maharashtra Scheduled Caste
1961 941 936 962
1971 930 930 947
1981 934 937 948
1991 927 934 944
2001 933 922 952
2011 940 925 961

Status of houses belonging to scheduled caste person in Maharashtra (2001-2011)

Status of houses belonging to scheduled caste person in Maharashtra (2001-2011)
Years Total houses Houses belongs to scheduled caste
2001 19,063,149 2,779,615
2011 23,830,580 3,311,405
% Rise 25 19

Comparison of Houses of scheduled person in Maharashtra (2001-2011)

Comparison of Houses of scheduled person in Maharashtra (2001-2011)
Years Scheduled caste
Good (%) In Revival Condition Dilapidated
2001 44 49 7
2011 57 37 6
  • Good - In good condition and repairing not necessary
  • Revival Condition - Needed minor repairing
  • Dilapidated - Dilapidated and major repairing needed